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Section 508 Compliance Services

Ensure your digital content is accessible to all with our Section 508 compliance expertise.

About Our Section 508 Compliance Services

Our Section 508 services ensure that your digital content complies with the latest accessibility standards, including Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, ICT accessibility requirements, and WCAG 2.0 guidelines. We cater to federal agencies and organizations seeking to make their information and communication technology (ICT) accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. Our expert team is dedicated to providing thorough audits, effective remediation services, and insightful consulting to meet all Section 508 requirements.

Types of Services

We Are Here To Assist You

Types of Section 508 Compliance Services

Our services help you navigate the path to Section 508 compliance. We offer audits to evaluate your situation, remediation to fix gaps in compliance, and consulting to walk you through each step in the process. 



Certified &

TestPros provides Information Technology (IT) support services to a wide range of commercial and U.S. Federal, State, and Local Government customers. Established in 1988, our services are based on trust, quality, efficiency, and innovation to drive the mission of our customers. In the realm of information systems, we prioritize risk assessments and risk management to ensure business continuity.

Our Process


Initial Consultation

We start with an in-depth discussion with your program manager to understand your specific compliance goals. For example, a federal agency might want to ensure that their public-facing website meets Section 508 standards to avoid legal complications.


Compliance Assessment

Our team conducts a comprehensive audit of your digital content, such as your website, PDF documents, and multimedia files. For instance, we might identify that your website’s navigation menu is not accessible to screen readers.


Detailed Reporting

After the assessment, we provide a comprehensive report that includes specific findings, examples of non-compliance, and prioritized recommendations. For example, the report might highlight that your PDF documents lack proper tagging for screen readers and suggest adding tags to meet Section 508 standards.


Remediation Planning

Based on the assessment, we develop a tailored remediation plan. This plan details specific actions, like adding alt text to images, ensuring that all interactive elements are keyboard accessible, and updating PDF documents to be accessible.



We collaborate with your IT and content teams to implement the remediation plan. For example, we might work with your web developers to fix issues with web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 compliance.


Testing, Verification, & Ongoing Support

After implementing remediation, we perform rigorous testing using automated tools and manual reviews to ensure all issues are resolved. We verify accessibility using screen readers and other assistive technologies. Additionally, we provide periodic audits and updates, to ensure ongoing compliance with any new content or changes in standards.

Trusted Clients

Logo for IBM
HP logo
AT&T Logo
logo for Cisco
logo for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with white background and blue text, and a red ring
Logo for U.S. Department of Defense

Key Benefits of Our Services

Illustration of a judge with a scale of justice and law books, symbolizing legal expertise and the pursuit of justice.

Regulatory Compliance

Meeting federal accessibility standards, such as those mandated by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, helps you avoid potential legal issues.

a contract being held with a stamp of approval

Government Contracts

Achieving Section 508 compliance opens up opportunities to sell to government agencies and state and local governments, expanding your market and potential revenue.

save time and money

Time and Money

Our efficient processes, honed over decades of experience, allow us to gather requirements and provide solutions quickly, saving you both time and money from the initial phone call to project completion.

Illustration of a diverse team working together around a table, including a person in a wheelchair, collaborating in a modern office environment.

Enhanced Accessibility

For example, a government website with accessible forms allows visually impaired users to independently fill out and submit necessary documents using screen readers.

Illustration of a diverse and inclusive team, including individuals with disabilities, standing together in an urban environment.

Positive Public Image

Demonstrating your commitment to accessibility and inclusivity enhances your organization’s reputation. For example, a corporation that promotes its accessibility compliance can attract a broader audience and gain positive recognition in the community.

Illustration of a virtual team meeting with a man presenting, a woman interacting on a laptop, and another woman on a large screen wearing a headset.

Improved User Experience

Providing a better user experience for all individuals leads to increased engagement and satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of Section 508 compliance services?

Pricing varies based on the scope and complexity of your project. Contact us for a customized quote.

The timeline depends on the extent of your compliance needs. We will provide a detailed timeline during our initial consultation.

All digital content, including websites, documents, and multimedia, must comply with Section 508 standards.

Yes, we provide ongoing support to ensure continued compliance and address any new accessibility issues that may arise.
Absolutely. We offer customized training programs to educate your staff on maintaining compliance with Section 508 standards.

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