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Test Automation – Agile

Stylized whiteboard showing common agile terms such as product backlog and scrum

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The Challenge

TestPros’ client, Intersections, is a leading provider of consumer and corporate identity risk management services, with a true Agile development process. The nature of the client’s business often requires daily software releases. As the code base grew, the original regression suite required sixteen hours to execute, slowing down development. Test Automation was required, but not easy for the existing team, expert in programming but with little experience in Agile testing techniques.

The Approach

TestPros analyzed requirements, designed and implemented a Test Automation Plan to optimize testing using Automation Frameworks for both Agile and traditional waterfall software development, test, acceptance, and release processes. We re-engineered the customer’s existing test automation approach using a much more efficient keyword-driven framework.

Applied Technology

We used the HP ALM/QTP/UFT tool set.


Within six months, the new approach yielded an 800% increase in the number of test cases in the regression suite, along with reduced run time – results now wait for developers in the morning!

To learn more about TestPros test automation services and experience, take a look at our automation services.


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