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The scope of Functional Category 3 (FC3) is independent test, validation, verification, and evaluation (IV&V) solutions to ensure that all IT products and services meet DHS standards, and are performing to defined design, cost, schedule and performance specifications/capabilities.  To execute on DHS EAGLE II FC3 SB, we use best practices, technologies, tools, and support to provide EAGLE II FC3 SB IT services including quality and operational assessments, integration testing, system test and evaluation, security certification and accreditation, and independent verification and validation (IV&V) through the monitoring and evaluation of projects via activities such as, but not limited to, assessments, process and procedure audits, project and performance management, and systems analysis and design.

Contract Name: DHS Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions II (EAGLE II) FC3 SB
Contract Number: # HSHQDC-13-D-E2003
Sponsor: Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Contract Expiration Date: March 27, 2020
Type of TOs: Cost Reimbursement, Time and Materials (T&M), Labor-Hour (L-H), and Firm-Fixed Price (FFP)

Basic Contract Scope:

EAGLE II Contract Award HSHQDC-13-D-E2003 TESTPROS, Inc.

TestPros Points of Contact:


Kevin Murray, Telephone: 703-298-4695, Email: [email protected]


Kevin Murray, Telephone: 703-298-4695, Email: [email protected]


Kevin Murray, Telephone: 703-298-4695, Email: [email protected]


Kevin Murray, Telephone: 703-298-4695, Email: [email protected]


Kevin Murray, Telephone: 703-298-4695, Email: [email protected]

 DHS Past/Current Experience

  • ASB (IV&V, Acquisition Systems Implementation)
  • OCFO (IV&V, Financial Systems Implementation)
  • NPPD (IV&V, Security Assessments)
  • CBP(IV&V and Test)
  • USCG (Coastwatch Program)
  • USCIS (Independent IT Security Assessment)
  • NPPD (IV&V, Load, Performance, and Scalability Testing)
  • DHS/ORNL [Oak Ridge National Laboratory] (Test & Evaluation)

For additional information on our current/past performance at DHS and other U.S. Federal agencies, please contact the TestPros Program Manager.

EAGLE II Task Orders

  • NPPD, IV&V Support, HSHQDC-14-J-00513
  • CBP, Independent Validation, Verification and Testing (IVV&T) Support Services, HSBP10-14-J-00666
  • OCFO, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Support Services, HSHQDC-15-J-00015
  • ASB, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Support Services, HSHQDC-16-J-00462

The TestPros Team

Data Blueprint Data Blueprint is a data management and IT consulting firm that empowers organizations to gain more value from their data assets. Their customized solutions ensure improved decision-making, increased productivity, and return on investment.

The IV&V Group focuses on one core competency – independent verification and validation (IV&V).  Their services range from the establishment of enterprise-level capability within an organization to the execution of assessments that support IT Portfolio Management and organizational system development efforts.

Quality Assurance Program

It is the policy of TestPros to implement a Quality Management Program (QMP) on all of our contracts to ensure technical products and services meet the agreed upon requirements and expectations of our customers. We are fully committed to delivering high-quality services and products on schedule and within budget. The TestPros Quality Management Program will be implemented through the Quality Assurance Plan (QAP). The TestPros QAP is based on the following key concepts:

  • Quality Management is an active, rather than passive, endeavor. Implementation of, and compliance with, quality processes are the shared responsibility of all TestPros and TestPros Team personnel.
  • A Quality Manager, organizationally independent of the client management structure, ensures objectivity in assessing and reporting all quality related aspects of the contract.
  • The QMP fully supports the quality/process improvement goals of the client and TestPros.
  • Quality is designed into products using defined processes, and reviewed/updated regularly.
  • The QAP will be consistent with client’s SDLC, standards, procedures, and processes.

Project Managers, working with the Quality Manager and using the contract QAP as the baseline, will develop a TO-level QAP clearly documenting quality metrics and the process through which quality control will be delivered to the project.

For information regarding TestPros’ Quality Assurance Program, please contact TestPros Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction Manager.


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